I really don't have any interesting updates. I barely remembered to buy Dukerol in time, which I just took with one day to spare. Which reminded me that I should post something. You know, since I am leaving in eight days.
I sewed my secret pockets into the two pairs of pants I am taking. The cat was not helpful. Snores before chores is her motto.
You've got to love the annoyed face: I was disturbing her nap on my lap with my pocket project |
And I started packing a bit. Here is a picture. Just to let you know where I'm at, the black bag is still on the bed from my Madagascar trip. Colombia is at the end of the bed. Totally organized!
Note the curtains. There are the ones I bought in the street market in Nosy Boraha. Nice, eh? |
I started googling 'what to do in Cartagena'. And I checked Atlas Obscura. If you remember, that site is how I ended up on Nosy Boraha in Madagascar, searching for pirate graves. I still don't know what to do in Cartagena. Next, I'll not figure out what to do in Medellin.
And that's it. That's my trip planning in 10 lines or less. I'm sick so I'm home from work today. I'm glad I got this icky cold before my trip. Hopefully I won't be a snotty, coughing disaster on my flight. How to make your seat mates hate you: mucus!
Better check in with the cat sitter.
I guess that's it for now.